



What is dicetwo

DiceTwo is a series of playful music boxes. It combines with a big cube and a little cube. Each side of the little cube can be used to get a playlist. It means that there are six playlists with each little cube. Every sides can be defined with music styles or different moods.



HOW DOES dicetwo WORK?

Changing of volume, start, pause, next and previous song are controlled by rotating, turning, touching and swiping.


see video – how to use it




Dicetwo can be used off-line, with Wi-Fi or Bluetooth to choose different playlists to listen to the music.


Background & Technique

Arduino, RFID-reader, RFID-chips, gyroscope, touch-sensor, music sensor are used to realize the idea.



How People play with it

DICETWO is a speaker for music-lovers,  a toy for children, and for the grown-ups who were once children.


semster project